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The Blunders Competition Winner

David Walliams, an author who has visited GMS, launched a competition to support his new book called The Blunders. Competitors were challenged to be resourceful when building one of The Blunders characters.
The competition challenged competitors to submit creations as a drawing, model, diagram or mock prototype. These could be made from anything available: pens, paper, cardboard, arts and crafts materials, or old household items, no longer in use. Everyone was encouraged to be resourceful, creative and, importantly, think outside the box.
Ollie Garnett, in 8H2, decided to enter and portray Old Lady Blunder. In all, there were just five winners and Ollie was one of the five.The prize was posh afternoon tea at Fortnum and Masons with David Walliams, who was charming and funny with every winner of his competition. His parents reported that, “It was a magical experience.” and “Ollie had the best time.”
When there, Ollie received two signed books and a copy of the secret chapter of the Blunders, not yet published. So, he has very special keepsakes of the experience.
GMS says, “Congratulations Ollie”.
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