In the Sixth Form you will be expected to have a care about your appearance by dressing appropriately and professionally for a day of study. An acceptable standard of dress would be similar to clothes that you might wear for an interview or when working with customers in a business environment.
- You may wear a suit if you choose. Should you wish to wear trousers or a skirt, they should be smart and not jeggings, denim or tracksuit.
- You should wear a shirt with a collar and tie. During the summer term, this policy will be reviewed. Please note that polo shirts are not acceptable unless permission has been given. In addition, should you wish to wear smart, tailored shorts in the summer term, you may do so.
- Blouses or tops should be neat, tidy and appropriate for the school environment, like ‘office’ wear.
- Jumpers should show your tie and shirt. Hoodies and logo sweaters are not appropriate attire.
- Shoes should be black or brown ‘office’ style – no trainers/ canvas plimsolls are allowed.
- Students should ensure that their outfits are not revealing and inappropriate for the school environment.
- Hats, gloves and coats should be removed for lessons and assemblies.
- Jewellery should be kept to a minimum. If in doubt, seek advice from your tutor.
- No nose/ facial piercings are permitted, nor should any tattoos be visible.
- Hair – extremes of style and colour are not acceptable. Minimum grade 1 and no tramlines or designs.
If a student fails to adhere to the dress code
then they risk being sent home from their day of study.