Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Transition to Year 7

We are excited to announce Miss C Roberts will be the new Director of Learning (DOL) for Year 7 this coming academic year 2024/25.

Miss Roberts’ involvement in the transition process has given her a depth of understanding about the new intake. She is looking forward to guiding the new students through transition and into Year 7, as they start their secondary school journey in GMS.


Form Tutors

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Transition Resources

These resources are designed to be motivational, helpful and reassuring. The school wants our new Year 7s to feel valued, encouraged and equipped for the transition journey ahead to secondary school with us.

We look forward to seeing you all in September.

Reading for Fun Library Events: GMS’s Library & Marlow Library 

Join the 2024 Summer Reading Challenge ‘Marvellous Makers’. This is a great opportunity and challenge for our new Year 7s.

Go to a local Buckinghamshire library or join online. Full details can be found here:

Start date 6th July.

Participants (ages 6-11) sign up at the local library, collect the participant pack and set themselves a challenge to read as many books and magazines, or listen to audiobooks as they feel they are able to during the summer school holidays.

Stickers are collected on their way to their literary goal; the stickers are found in the participant pack. A certificate of achievement is given at the end of the challenge.

So much to join in with. To become involved pop into your local library or e-mail for further information.

Other events and craft activities, related to the challenge, are taking place at Marlow library during summer.

Also, head for Tween Readers Club (for ages 10-15 years ). It meets on the first Saturday of each month at Marlow Library. There is no entry fee and you don’t have to pre-book – just turn up at 11:30 and join in the fun chatting about books, films and playing word games and quizzes.

PiXL Club and Hachette Children’s Group

These resources provide information, tips and questions to help you open up discussion with your child about transition to help prepare them for starting secondary school.

Guide for parents and carers: building resilience, developing a growth mindset, helping your child adopt good habits when making the change to secondary school.
Be Awesome, Go Big Workbook
Getting Ready to Go Big Activity Sheet.
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