Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054


Our Eco School is moving apace with projects: here are a few.
Eco-Warrior Club
  1. Litter picking break 2 Thursday. There is a different targeted focus for each session.
  2. A follow-up session for the next community project is being organised with the Marlow Wombles.
  1. Develop of funding pitch for Marlow Environmental Trust and Marlow Round Table is underway. Ideas for how projects are to be funded are being discussed.
  2. Possible proposals: sustainable garden, solar panels to provide electricity to the new G block garden room and development of the pond. New bins to be placed on the school field, and by outdoor classrooms.
  1. Finalise the positioning of the bee hotels.
  1. The gardening group meets to decide on gardening projects.
  1. Next steps in this important project is being organised.
GMS is hugely grateful to MARLOW ENVIRONMENTAL TRUST, who supports the school and donates funding for secondary school projects.
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