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Prefects visit Meadowside Care Home

To connect with our community at Christmas time, helped by the Rotary Club, a group of our Sixth Form senior prefect team visited Meadowside Care Home. As well as bringing presents and cards for the festive season, we had a lovely time getting to know the residents and hearing about their lives, for example, Joe enjoyed listening to the stories of a resident recounting his life in Milan. Outreaching to members of our local area, who can often feel isolated during the holidays, was warming for us.  As students, we felt uplifted by being part of their day and offering this small gesture in their home. Special mentions to the home’s lovely ginger cat, who made us all feel very welcome and clearly the residents adored her!

This has encouraged us as a cohort to continue to be giving and selfless, as well as grateful, especially during the Christmas period.

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