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Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Join Us – Sporting Challenge 2023

On Friday 28th April is GMS’s 2023 Sporting Challenge. 

In partnership with Friends of Great Marlow, our school is organising a school and community event to raise the profile of the importance of physical activity and to give families, community groups and organisations the opportunity to participate in our exciting 2023 Sporting Challenge.

On Friday 28th April our students will either compete in an inter-house competition across a range of activities or participate in a health-benefiting session of physical activity. Every participating student will experience a minimum of 20 minutes and 23 seconds of continuous physical activity on that day.

In addition, a separate challenge will run from 4 pm on Thursday 27th April: finishing at 12.23 pm on Friday 28th April. Staff and members of the public are being invited to compete in teams of 8-10 people for 20 hours and 23 minutes of continuous physical activity.

This Sporting Challenge will also raise money to further enhance the provision of facilities, equipment, and programmes of activity that we already run for our students, for the wider community through the Redgrave Sports Centre and the associated outdoor sporting facilities.

Thank you everyone for participating and we look forward to seeing you all at the finish line!

Update 20th April. 

Years 7-11 are working with the PE department to select which activity they are going to participate in as part of the Sporting Challenge from the following options: badminton, basketball, cycling, dance, football, netball, rowing, or using the cardio equipment in our fantastic fitness suite. Our aim is to have students, every hour of the school day, physically active and reaping the physical, mental, and social benefits of exercise. It’s important that all students attend school in their PE kit on this day.

Excitedly, already over 60 members of our school community, that is staff, parents, and wider community members, are signed up to work together to complete the 20 hours and 23 minutes of continuous physical activity challenge, starting at 4.00 pm on Thursday 27th April and finishing at 12.23 pm on Friday 28th April.

Such has been the popularity of this challenge, it is now our plan to try to keep a bike, treadmill, and rower in the fitness suite of the Redgrave Sports Centre in continuous action for the 20 hours and 23 minutes of the challenge.

There is still time to sign up as a community member should you like to join the team and contribute to tackling this challenge. Use the link above to sign up.

This school and community event aims to raise the profile of the importance of physical activity and to give families, community groups and organisations the opportunity to participate in our 2023 Sporting Challenge.

We have had several communications from individuals and groups supporting the challenge and organising their own activities over the two days and the bank holiday weekend, so you can take this approach if you wish to.

If anyone would like to donate money in support of the 2023 GMS Sporting Challenge, please click on This link will take you to the donation page. Parents/ carers with a WisePay account will need to sign in to donate.
All other donors will need to create an account to donate, which is very easy. Please also complete the Gift Aid form which will increase your donation by 25%.

More exciting updates about the GMS 2023 Sporting Challenge communications next week.

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