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World Book Day: 7th March

World Book Day is here once again and will be celebrated on Thursday 7th March. The librarian will be handing out £1 vouchers to Year 7 and Year 8 students during their Accelerated Reader lessons.

There are several books written specifically for World Book Day (WBD) and are available from participating bookshops for the £1 voucher. The voucher can also be used to offset against the cost of a book if the cost is over £2.99, this includes audio books.

On the WBD website, by 28th February, there will be a competiton based on Matilda by Roald Dahl: the prize is a trip to the USA.

The librarians are asking students and the wider GMS community to donate  ‘teenage style’ books to the school that they do not want, so that a book swap can be set up; this will take place in the library and will be ongoing.

GMS offer thanks in advance for your cooperation.

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