Parents and carers of Year 12 are invited to an Information Evening Wednesday 4th October, from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the Sixth Form Centre.
Mr Hollyman, Director of Learning, will offer up-to-date, relevant information that will help parents and carers support students in navigating the first year of Sixth Form. Please note that students are not required to attend the Information Evening.
The Sixth Form area was purpose built and is a great space for students. Those attending will be shown around the facilities. GMS wants to instil a sense of pride so that the area can be handed to the next generation of students in a good condition.
The Information Evening does offer an opportunity for parents and carers to ask questions, but please be advised that individual subject teachers will not be present.
Mr Hollyman looks forward to meeting with parents and carers on October 4th at 6.00 pm and asks that participants complete the following MS Form to indicate a wish to attend: