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Currently Browsing: Music

Matilda Ticket Sales

Matilda the Musical is closing in on being ready for the audience performances in December. Tickets are selling really well, thank you to everyone who has purchased already. This post informs our readers that there are only a few tickets left for Wednesday; more are available for the Thursday...

Music Recital: 22/11: at 7pm

The GMS Music A-level students have been practising hard for their first Recital Performance at All Saints Church, on Wednesday 22nd November at 7pm.    In what promises to be a wonderful evening of music, both Year 12 and Year 13 are performing. For the Year 12 students, this will be their first solo...

Costumes for Matilda: Christmas Production

This year’s Christmas production is going to be Matilda the Musical. Preparation is already underway. The GMS Drams Department is looking for items of clothing that are school themed and would fit our students (ages 11-14). If you have any of the following and would be willing to loan them to the...

House Music Competition

The inaugural House Music competition showcased the outstanding musical talent of students from Years 7-11 at Great Marlow School. The competition comprised a variety of different musical categories and saw students perform on behalf of their house (Eagles, Hawks or Kites). Students from KS3 and KS4...

Music Royal Albert Hall

It is with great enthusiasm that the Lower School Choir and Music Department are preparing for their performance at the grand performance centre: The Royal Albert Hall in London in March 2023. To prepare for this great event, a rehearsal has been organised on Sunday 5th March with the Buckinghamshire Music...

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