Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Keep Britain Tidy Week

The Great British Spring Clean and Great Big School Clean 2023 is this week from 17 March to 2 April.
Everyone can play their part: collect rubbish and bin it. Pick up litter on the school site; litter on the way to and from school; litter in the street of the area in which you live.
GMS calls on all in the school and our wider school community to KEEP BRITAIN TIDY by connecting with this important environmentally friendly behaviour. By doing this, we keep our landscape, and by extension our precious wildlife, safe from plastic and other contamination.
  • In tutor periods – our tutor groups will litter pick.
  • On Monday 20th there is an Eco-Warrior after-school litter pick with the Marlow Wombles targeting the wider community.
  • During breaks, everyone is urged to be super vigilant and pick up every stray piece of litter lying around.
Together we can make a huge difference.
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