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The second of three workshops, called ‘Student Elevation’ focused on the art of revision and becoming successful GCSE candidates, took place at GMS. The students, in their form groups, were coached on how to break down amount of revision required by setting realistic goals. Just as importantly, how to manage to remain on track, should a realistic goal be missed.

As in the previous session, the presenters were close in age, having left school just a few years ago. As their Director of Learning, I feel proud that the presenters made so many positive comments about the cohort: their engagement and behaviour. Just as importantly, the students’ feedback showed their appreciation, meaning the information delivered, in the hour, was extremely valuable.

Of course, the techniques introduced will make a greater impact if students begin to adopt the techniques immediately: revision is successful if it is practised over time.

One final workshop is booked for November and is called ‘Ace your Exams’.

Due to the success of the programme,GMS is booking Elevate for next Year 11 next year.

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