Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

ParentPay Yr 7

GMS have been notified that ParentPay are still experiencing problems, resulting in the school being unable to generate Activation letters, which enable parents and carers to register for the service. In normal circumstances the Activation letter would be emailed, as this is not possible GMS has reverted to paper copies.

All Year 7 students should have been issued with a paper letter on Tuesday 7th September for the attention of their parents or carers. If you are the parent or carer of a Year 7 student and do not receive an Activation letter, please ask your child to inform their form tutor, who will ensure they are given one to take home.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support in this matter.

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