Bobmore Lane, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1JE
Telephone - 01628 483 752
Company Registration No.07690054

Walk, Cycle, Vehicle Travel Arrangements

GMS are actively encouraging the eco-friendly method of walking or cycling to school. It is healthy to do so, with the added benefit of reducing traffic congestion on our roads.  GMS have invested in improving the cycle locking facilities and are open to suggestions for further improvements. All cyclists should wear a safety helmet and abide by the Highway Code, meaning they cycle on the road and designated cycle paths, and at all times they are mindful of other road users.

Of course, it is imperative that those walking to school take care to cross roads safely, being always aware of other road users and pedestrians. Using the designated crossings is essential. Students who wear ear-plugs or walk using mobile phones do open themselves to danger; we ask that parents and carers reinforce the message that failing to be road safety conscious can led to accidents.
Should students need to be transported to school, GMS asks that parents and carers drop their children away from the busy junctions and entrances to the school site.  No cars are to enter the school site from either the Bobmore entrance or the Redgrave Sports Centre on Wycombe Road.

Local businesses and our residential neighbours are patient, but we remind all members of our community to respect them by not parking across driveways and/or restricting access to properties. To reduce pollution and have care of our neighbours, vehicle engines should be turned off completely. An idling engine produces up to twice the emissions of a car that’s in motion. The impact of the chemicals being emitted is proven to have a negative effect on the environment by contributing to poor air quality, and by extension to the health of our students.


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