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Breakfast Week 2016

Monday 26th January to Friday 29th January 2016

The canteen was open from 8am for students to have breakfast. A number of students brought their own breakfast and met with friends. As part of the ‘Shake up your Wake up’ campaign ‘Celebrate Breakfast’ and ‘Breakfast Champion’ stickers were handed out to students having breakfast, mini booklets containing breakfast ideas and recipes were placed on tables in the dining room and the Year 7 students completed a collage of their perfect breakfast which was displayed in the canteen. Posters highlighting the Breakfast Challenge were placed around the school encouraging students to eat breakfast for a week and see the difference.

A sample of students were surveyed to ascertain whether the students had noticed a difference since eating breakfast regularly and also whether they had made lifestyle changes because of the provision.

It was interesting and encouraging to see the responses for the life-style part of the survey as the students’ had given their own view of any perceived changes in their effort in lessons, their concentration and also if they felt ‘better’ if they ate breakfast regularly.

92% of students surveyed had noticed some improvement in their level of concentration in lessons.

92% of students surveyed had noticed an improvement in their effort in lessons.

95% of students surveyed had noticed an improvement in their energy levels.

90% of students surveyed had noticed an improvement in their well-being.

Amazing results!

Mrs Ludgate and Mrs Gifford

10G breakfast 2016

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