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Berkshire College of Agriculture Trip

On a cold and wet December morning, ten Year 9 pupils were taken to Berkshire College of Agriculture (BCA) to find out about some of the courses the college has to offer. The experience would, hopefully, give the pupils some idea of a career they would like to pursue and, in turn, the options they would have to take next March.

Berkshire College of Agriculture

We set off, just after 9am, on the BCA minibus, everyone was very excited.  We were very impressed by the grand driveway up to the college and the minibus driver who gave us so much background information about the college.

Each pupil had pre-picked two courses to attend that appealed to them. With the minimum of fuss we were put into our groups and taken to the department of our choice. I tagged along on the Motor Vehicle Tour, which was very impressive especially as the pupils are allowed to work on their own cars. Craig, the tutor, was very informative and each pupil had a little test at the end of the session. Career opportunities possible from this course are mechanic, technician, fitter or valeter.

My second tour was of the Animal Management Department – small animal section, where the pupils were allowed to feed some of the animals such as otters, lamas, Scottish wildcats and lemurs. From this course the career opportunities are veterinary nurse, kennel assistant, RSPCA Inspector, pet shop assistant or manager, among others.

Other students followed tours on Outdoor Education, Hair and Beauty and Public Services.  The Hair and Beauty tour was a big success with the girls, who spent their time re-doing their hair into new designs, on the journey home.

All the pupils thoroughly enjoyed themselves (and me too).  When we arrived back in school at 12.30, we defrosted with hot chocolate in the canteen.

As well as benefiting greatly from visiting the departments at BCA, GMS pupils also benefited from mixing with pupils from the two other schools who were also visiting that day.

Anna Gifford

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